What are the crucial elements to creating relationships that are joyful, healthy, and meaningful for everyone involved.

What are the crucial elements to creating relationships that are joyful, healthy, and meaningful for everyone involved.
Being clear whether something is a need, want, or desire makes it easier to get what we want.
The best relationships are those where partners dance as equals with presence and awareness.
Our culture tells us getting a no means we are passive and weak. What if there’s more to it than that?
The most tragic aspect of modern relationships is the emphasis on all or nothing. What if there’s another way?
What do we lose when we’re told how to be, how to act, and how to be like everyone else?
Have you ever said yes when you meant no? Or went along with something because you didn’t want to upset anyone? I know I have.
How do we tell the difference between being lead by our primal desires or if we are being called to action by our hearts and higher wisdom?
Tired of Having To Figure It Out
All On Your Own?